Visual Discovery 2024 words in all capsUniversity of Miami branded family logo listing Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing and the School of Communication beneath






Download Schedule (.pdf)
Venue: Newman Alumni Center
University of Miami  | 6200 San Amaro Drive | Coral Gables, FL 33146 | 305.284.1934



Monday,  April 15 08:00 Registration opens. Breakfast. Front Desk
08:45 Welcome address Sallie Hughes and Alberto Cairo (School of Communication)
09:00 What Visual Discovery is Alyssa Nothaft (Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg)
09:15 Keynote: Disposable City Mario Alejandro Ariza (Floodlight News)
10:15 Climate change and hurricanes Brian McNoldy (Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric and Earth Science)
11:15 Sea level rise and corals Amanda Prieto (Miami Water Keeper)
12:15 The Everglades Hiram Henríquez (School of Communication)
13:00 Lunch (provided at the Newman Center)
Afternoon Student assignments
Group organization
Work on projects
Tuesday,  April 16 Morning Field trip to the Everglades (8AM to 2PM)
Talk by Jacquie Weisblum,  Vice President of Communications, The Everglades Foundation
and Dr. Meenakshi Chabba, Ecosystem and Resilience Scientist
Afternoon Smaller group: Field trip to the National Hurricane Center (2:30-3:30)
Meeting with John Cangialosi, Hurricane Specialist at the NHC
Rest of students and faculty:  Work on projects.
Wednesday,  April 17 All day Breakfast at the Newman Alumni Center.  Work on projects.
Thursday,  April 18 All day Day off.  The Newman Center will remain open 8AM-8PM for groups that wish to work on their projects.
Friday,  April 19 Morning Breakfast at the Newman Alumni Center.  Work on projects.
Lunch begins (provided at the Newman Alumni Center)
Student presentations
Closing Keynote by John Grimwade
Conference ends